Light and healing with EDO GLASS
A healing time with the morning glory of the lights that bloom at night.The beauty of the morning glory and the vibrant colors captivated the hearts of Edokko, who love to surprise people. It was very popular in the Edo period as a horticulture that takes time and effort to grow carefully.
“Affection”, which is the flower language of the morning glory, is a traditional craft technique that blows and carves glass with a lot of effort and effort.
Just as handmade glass is not the same, each flower will be a once-in-a-lifetime encounter.Nakakin Glass lights the morning glory, which is a symbol of Edo, and colors your life in a healing time.
Asagao lamp by Nakakinglass / 中金硝子総合株式会社
Lighting manufacturer : IKKAI / 進藤電気設計
photo : 桑原健太
Color : gold, purple, blue
Price : ¥25,000(+tax)
Light and healing with EDO GLASS
Cordless type that is easy to carry
There are 3 types of light: weak lighting / strong lighting / fluctuation lighting
Lights up to about 150 hours with micro USB charging (when weakly lit)
Automatic turn-off function for about 8 hours
江戸と朝顔 / Edo and morning growly
朝顔の美しさと鮮やかな色彩は、人を驚 かせたりするのが大好きな江戸っ子の心を 魅了し、手間暇をかけて大事に育てる園芸 として江戸時代に大流行しました。その想 い、朝顔の花言葉である「愛情」は、ひと
手間ひと手間気持ちを込めて硝子を吹き、刻む、伝統工芸の技そのも の。手作りの硝子は同じものが一つとして無いように、花一輪一輪も 一期一会の出会いとなることであろう。中金硝子は江戸の象徴である 朝顔に明かりを灯し、あなたの暮らしを癒しの時間で彩ります。
Nakakin Glass was founded in 1946. As a traditional craft “Edo glass” used for Edo kiriko, The beauty and vivid colors of morning glories captivated the hearts of Edoites, who loved to surprise others. Its cultivation also became very popular during the Edo period, requiring tender loving care. The floral language of morning glory is “love”— love is the very essence of the traditional craft of Edo glass, in which glass is blown and engraved with care and attention, one step at a time. No two handmade glass pieces are the same, just like how the encounter with each flower will be a once-in-a-lifetime. Nakakin Glass lights up morning glories, the symbol of Edo, to create a relaxing time.
中金硝子総合株式会社 / Nakakin Glass
中金硝子総合株式会社は 1946年創業。江戸切子などに使用される伝統工芸「江戸硝子」として、2色のガラスを重ねて吹く「色被せ硝子」を作り続ける。アサガオランプは職人の手によってのみ創り出される色被せ硝子や捻り加工を加えたガラスで製作。流れるような凹凸のラインで朝顔の蕾を、更には切子加工を施すことで、幻想的で心和む光を表現した。独自配合で製作する色被せガラスは弾力があり固い為、通常は形を変形させることが難しいが、熟練の技によりいくつもの加工技術の融合を実現。
Nakakin Glass was founded in 1946. As a traditional craft “Edo glass” used for Edo kiriko, we continue to make “colored glass” that blows two colors of glass on top of each other. The morning glory lamp is made of colored glass and twisted glass that are created only by craftsmen. The buds of the morning glory are expressed with flowing uneven lines, and the buds of the morning glory are further processed to express a fantastic and soothing light. Since the colored glass made with our own composition is elastic and hard, it is usually difficult to deform the shape, but we have realized the fusion of various processing techniques by skillful skill.