Leather Lab Tokyoのプリントレザーを使ったシンボルプロダクト企画、デザイン、アートディレクション、webサイト制作。
Leadies shoes studio “Be・One”, which has an atelier in Higashi Asakusa, Tokyo.
I planned, designed, art directed, and created a website for a symbol product using printed leather from LEATHER LAB TOKYO.
Be·One’s shoes have been loved for their orthodox manufacturing methods and designs since their founding in the women’s shoe industry, where trends change as fast as clothes do.
web site_https://www.beone.tokyo
concept / art direction / photo direction / shoes design / web design / logo design : Yusuke Taguchi Design
photo : Kenta Kuwabara
leather produce : T.M.Y’s Co.,Ltd / LEATHER LAB TOKYO

“You can be beautiful when you wear it”
“I can be myself”
“Uplifting feelings”
Craftsmen devoted to making shoes. In search of beautiful shoes, they face shoemaking indifferently every day.
The work of expressing the characteristics of Be One and the thoughts and words that you want to cherish from facial expressions and conversations.What I felt through the production was “indifferently and honestly, and…beauty”.